To create innovative and compelling multi-media content that will inspire people to maximize their potential and leave the world better than they found it.
Regret-Free Productions will emerge as leaders in the generation of inspiring, educational, and entertaining multi-media content that will empower people to make the most of their lives.
How we started …
Regret-Free Productions Founder and CEO John Oliphant, has long had an awareness of the brevity of life. After the deaths of three young friends during his childhood, he was confronted with the fact that none of us have a guarantee that we will live to an old age. Ironically, when he did talk to older people, they often commented that it seemed like they went from being children to elderly in a flash. This revelation led to a desire to make the most of whatever time he was given and to help others do the same.
As a medical professional, Oliphant had experience working with patients at the end of their lives and often heard them describing regrets. These regrets tended to be related to things they wished they had done, but never did or negative things they did do that they wished they never had done. Common regrets included relationships with friends and family that had become severely strained or completely severed, academic degrees not pursued, trips not taken, books not written, creative passions that were not pursued, and many others.
While many struggle with the weight of their regrets, Oliphant did find a select few that seemed to be able to push through the barriers that often exist and truly pursue their passions and find purpose. They stepped out of their comfort zones and right into fulfilling and amazing experiences. They turned mistakes into learning opportunities and were quick to forgive themselves and others.
The Regret-Free Productions team is dedicated to telling the stories of those who are using their lives in amazing ways. We hope to inspire our audience to learn from the examples of others and then implement a healthy approach to life that will allow them to look back on their lives feeling that they have pursued everything they should have pursued, accomplished their primary life-goals, and as much as it is up to them, they are at peace with all people.