Agents of Change
Inspirational Docuseries Created by Regret-Free Productions
The Background
There are many people around the world who struggle to gain access to the basic necessities, services, and opportunities required to reach their full potential. Some struggle with mental health issues and finding purpose, peace, and fulfillment in life. Still, others are victims of abuse, racism, discrimination, and other forms of oppression.
Fortunately, in the midst of great need and feelings of despair, natural leaders occasionally emerge who try to improve the situation. These leaders are often just regular citizens, who are driven by a burning passion and undying hope for a better future.
Goals of the Docuseries
In this new docuseries, we will interview some of the previously described leaders in an attempt to understand their motivations and the methods they have used to overcome the many barriers they have faced.
Viewers will learn about strategies for healthy living, the benefits of community service, as well as geography, culture, traditions, food, history, and the challenges faced by the people that are featured.
Beyond simply inspiring people, it is hoped that an increased understanding of effective leadership will emerge as we analyze the keys to the successes our agents of change have achieved. We believe that many people are searching for a life-calling, and exposure to these inspirational case studies may be the impetus to launch future agents of change into their own world-changing destinies!
Do you know an inspiring Agent of Change whose story needs to be told?